Drake says: "You’ll need absolute effiency in this quick, “Pick up and Deliver” game of balancing speed and maximum capacity." |
John says: |
Designer: Chris Handy Description: In BUS, each player controls a bus card and will navigate it throughout the city grid. A player's maximum speed, which is the number of street spaces he may move, is 5. When a player stops at a Bus Stop, he may pick up a customer card which contains 2 different customers. The customer card's point value directly correlates to the speed in which a bus' movement is reduced to, when carrying the customer card. Once a bus moves through a space with a customers' destination, the customer on the card is considered delivered. Two street tiles may be swapped if the "construction" space is used and a player may hold several customer cards for maximum efficiency. The end game is triggered once a player has completed 5 customer cards and the bus driver with the most points wins!
Check out "BUS" on BoardGameGeek.com! |
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