Retail: $22.99
Price: $16.09
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Publisher: Asmodee Editions
BGGID: 140535
Drake says: "Koryŏ is a game based on an uchronian and politico-steampunk universe." |
John says: |
Designer: Gun-Hee Kim Description: Play cards to control a majority and hold sway over the factions of Koryŏ. Short-term decisions mean long-term gain in this fast and exciting card game of politics and betrayal. Players will play cards to maintain majorities of specific factions, and in so doing gain the powers provided by their followers. Control the bankers to grab influence now, or take over the guardians to protect yourself from the barbarians. Every decision is tricky, as you jockey to maintain majorities and hold the most power.
Check out "Koryo" on BoardGameGeek.com! |
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