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Publisher: Rio Grande Games
BGGID: 6264
Drake says: "Bohnaparte conquers the Bohnreich! This Bohnanza expansion puts you in the Bohnreich! Plantations, villages, cities, fortresses and generals, who want to bring these under their control."
John says: "This expansion provides battles which are fought using the numbers on the bean cards, which gives new significance to the formerly "weaker" bean types. Designer Hanno Girke describes the expansion set as 'Bohnanza meets Risk'."
Uwe Rosenberg & Hanno Girke
Unrest in Beanland. Bean princes in all parts of the land are trying to conquer foreign villages and cities. They use the profits from their bean sales to finance their attacks. At the end of the game, bean thalers have no value. Instead, players only score the lands they control as victory points. Thus, the most powerful bean prince is crowned Bohnaparte of Beanland.
Must have Bohnanza in order to play.
- 33 Cards
- 60 Game Markers
- 1 Rule Booklet
12 +

Retail: $166.85
Price: $123.99
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